
Water Saving Plans Can Result in Rebates
Roll Out Water Saving Plans that can Result in Rebates
Implement Water-Conserving Landscape Strategies
The Santa Clara Valley Authority is now offering rebates for qualified customers who submit their applications by June 30, 2022. As the weather warms up, many commercial property owners are thinking about how to spruce up their landscaping. As always, water-saving measures will typica…

10 Water Saving Ideas for Your Landscaping
Update Your Water Management Strategies
Water management is always a top priority for landscaping in the Bay Area. Our team provides these great ideas to conserve water while hydrating your lawn, trees, and shrubs.
10 Ways to Save More Water in Your Commercial Landscaping
We can help you implement some of these ideas in your landscape maintenance strategy.
Choose the right water…

Drainage Maintenance for Commercial Landscapes
Prepare Your Bay Area Property for Winter Rain
Winter is coming and December to March can bring three to four inches of rain to your San Francisco Bay Area commercial property. That’s twice as much or more than the rainfall in any other month. Despite the drought, it’s important to prepare your soil for the relative deluge of the wet season.
Petalon provides comprehensive landscaping s…

Smart Irrigation Controllers for Commercial Landscapes
Invest in Smart Irrigation Controllers for Your Commercial Landscapes
Cost-Friendly Ways to Enjoy Beautiful Lawns and Healthy Trees
Installing smart irrigation controllers for commercial landscapes has many advantages. From enhancing the health and beauty of your landscape, to reducing water waste and preventing damage to your property, your investment will reap numerous benefits. Peta…

Why Plan Your Drainage Maintenance in Late Summer?
Prepare Your Landscape for the Cooler Months
Late summer or early fall is
the ideal time to book your drainage maintenance service appointment. This
critical landscaping to-do is most important
heading into the fall and winter months. As the weather turns cooler, the rains
usually come and can flood your walkways and landscapes or wash away bark mulch
and topsoil. This is also a good tim…

Seasonal Irrigation Maintenance
Seasonal Irrigation Maintenance for Your Commercial Landscape
Learn Why Mid-Season Tune Ups Are Important
Summer can be particularly stressful for the turf, plants and trees on
your commercial property. Extreme heat, humidity or other climatic variations
during this time may take a toll on the appearance of the landscape and thereby,
the value of your property. At Petalon, we believe…
Petalon Landscape Management, Inc.
Address : 1766 Rogers Ave. San Jose, CA. 95112
Phone : 408-453-3998